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New Student Registration Information
School Registrar:
Alexis Gray - (856) 869-7750 ext. 1108, Haddon Township Board of Education 500 Rhoads Avenue, Westmont, NJ 08108 Registrations by Appointment: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM25-26 Preschool and Kindergarten Registration Information
Registration Requirements
Original Birth Certificate or Passport (Note: A copy will be made during the registration.)
Proof of Residency (Two Proofs Required)
Providing the suggested documents that show a current address in Haddon Township can serve as evidence of a student's eligibility for enrollment in the district. Alternative documentation will also be taken into consideration.
Deed/Mortgage Documents
Property Tax Bill
Current Utility Bill (Water, Sewer, PSE&G)
Current Driver's License
Current signed lease w/names of all persons living in the house/apartment (Note: Name and phone number of landlord MUST be included.)
Completed Registration Packet
Official Documents Verifying Custody/Guardianship (if applicable)
Annual Health History Update
Physical Examination Form (To be filled out by child's physician)
Current Immunization Record
Copy of IEP (Note: Required if student will be evaluated by the Child Study Team)
Release of Records Form
English Language Learners (ELL) Student Information Form
Please schedule an appointment with the School Registrar :
Alexis Gray (856) 869-7750, ext. 1108,
Haddon Township Board of Education
500 Rhoads Avenue, Westmont, NJ 08108
Registration Hours: 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Upon receipt of all registration documents listed above, and residency has been verified by the Registrar, you will be asked to make an appointment with the secretary of the assigned school to continue the registration process.