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SEPAG (Special Education Parent Advisory Group)


The Haddon Township School District has organized a Special Education Parent Advisory Committee as a forum for parents to provide input to the district on issues concerning students with disabilities. We welcome the participation of all parents. This group will meet 3-4 times per school year.


The mission of the Special Education Parent Advisory Group is to facilitate communication between parents, school staff, the Board of Education, and the community regarding the district’s special education programs.

Please note that this is not a forum for discussion about individual students or their IEPs. Topics are limited to those that impact all students or a group of students.

Role of the Parent Advisory Group

        To provide direct input on the policies, programs, and practices that impact services and supports for students with disabilities.

        To increase the involvement of families of children with special needs.

        To advise on issues that affect the education, health and safety of students with special needs.

 What Happens at PAG Meetings?

Concerns related to a group of students are shared and discussed.   The Supervisor of Special Services or other District Representatives will provide updates related to Special Services in the Haddon Township School District and at the State and National Levels.  Group members will have adequate time to discuss issues among and plan the agenda for the next meeting.