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Health & Nursing

General Information

New Entrant Physical Form
Sports Physical Forms
Asthma Action Plan
Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Care Plan
Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Care Plan - Spanish
School Medication Form
Administration of Medication Policy #5330
Health History Update Questionnaire(formerly known as Sports Recertification Form)

Impact Testing (pre-concussion assessment) is required for ALL student athletes. Once taken, the test results are good for two academic years. If taken for the fall season, there is no need to re-test for the winter or spring seasons.  Visit the site below to complete the test:


  • Go to New Jersey and click "Launch Baseline Test", Enter Code B18C2A9A36 which is the code for Haddon Twp HS.
  • Make Sure to TURN OFF Pop-Up Blockers-Otherwise the test won't work
  • Be sure to save and print out certificate of completion.

Important Announcement from the NJ DOE:

The incidence of sudden cardiac death (SCD) among student athletes, often due to undetected heart conditions, has caused great concern throughout New Jersey.  The New Jersey Student Athlete Cardiac Screening Task Force has developed an informal brochure about SCD for parents and guardians of students participating in school sports.  Please see the link below to the Department's website and look under Resources.