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Forms & Registration


a button that reads 'Register Now' with a 'Powered by FamilyID' stamp on the bottom of it

There are no longer any paper forms for sports registration besides the physical/recert form.

To register, you must click the "Register Now" button above and you will be directed to our new online registration site.

The first time you register, you will create a FamilyID account and you can then fill out the required information after selecting Athletic Registration.  


Dear Haddon Township Families,

The NJ DOE has released an updated pre-participation physical (PPE) which will take effect starting July 1, 2024. The NJ PPE has been reformatted and updated to be in line with the national form and no longer requires the PPE to be submitted to the school. Instead, the PPE is to be maintained by the healthcare provider completing the physical exam, and The PPE Medical Eligibility Form is the only required form that will need to be submitted to the school. Even though the PPE is not required to be submitted, we will still gladly accept copies to place on your child’s health care record.

The PPE will need to be submitted to the school if your child’s healthcare provider checks off any of the following on the PPE Medical Eligibility form:

  • Medically eligible for all sports without restriction with recommendations for further evaluation or treatment of…

  • Medically eligible for certain sports

  • Not medically eligible pending further evaluation

  • Not medically eligible for any sports

If any of the above are marked by your child’s healthcare provider, a hard copy of your child’s PPE will need to be submitted to the school, in addition to all of the other required forms.

First page of the PDF file: StepsrequiredtoparticipateinHaddonTownshipHighSchoolRMSAthletics